We are pleased to announce the winners of SMI 2024 Student Paper Competition! This year, an extraordinary occurrence took place in the Theory and Methods track, as two papers received identical scores from the reviewers, resulting in a tie. Consequently, we announce two co-winners for this track.

Theory and Methods track:


  • Yueyang Shen, University of Michigan

Statistical foundations of invariance and equivariance in deep artificial neural network learning


  • James Buenfil, University of Washington

Asymmetric canonical correlation analysis of Riemannian and high-dimensional data

Case Studies and Application track:


  • Yixin Chen, Virginia Tech

Disentangled adversarial flow for multi-source learning


  • Yi Tang Chen, The Ohio State University

Assessment of glioblastoma multiforme tumor heterogeneity via MRI-derived shape and intensity features

On May 29th, from 1:10 to 2:40 p.m., you will have the opportunity to hear the awarded students present their research during the SMI 2024 conference at Indianapolis.

Congratulations to these four students for their remarkable achievements!

We have a relatively large number of submissions this year. The success of this competition is largely attributable to the dedication and hard work of our reviewers, whose contributions are invaluable. We would like to express our gratitude to the following reviewers:

  • Benjamin Risk, Emory University
  • Haochang Shou, University of Pennsylvania
  • Andrew Chen, Medical University of South Carolina
  • Selena Wang, Yale University
  • Tianwen Ma, Emory University
  • Panpan Zhang, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
  • Sean L. Simpson, Wake Forest University School of Medicine
  • Xinyi Li, Clemson University
  • Jun Young Park, University of Toronto
  • Dehan Kong, University of Toronto
  • Meimei Liu, Virginia Tech
  • Jian Kang, University of Michigan
  • Siyu Zhou, Emory University
  • Xin Ma, Columbia University
  • Eardi Lila, University of Washington.
  • Josh Lukemire, Emory University
  • Suprateek Kundu, MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • Tianzhou Ma, University of Maryland
  • Yaotian Wang, Emory University
  • Shan Yu, University of Virginia

Thanks again to all the reviewers and to all the students who participated in this year’s competition!