Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Statistics in Imaging Section Student Paper Competition. Out of the 29 submissions received, the award committee has selected a First Place Award and four Runner-up Awards. All of the winners will be presenting at the 2024 Joint Statistical Meetings in a designated topic-contributed session titled “Section on Statistics in Imaging Student Paper Award Winners.”

First Place Award

  • Jue Wang, University of California, Davis

Runner-up Awards (alphabetical order):

  • Taehyo Kim, New York University
  • Tong Lu, University of Maryland
  • Zihang Wang, Emory University
  • Yuan Zhong, University of Michigan

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the award committee members - Lloyd Elliott, Chao Huang, Eardi Lila, Michelle Miranda, Jun Young Park, Simon Vandekar, Sarah M. Weinstein, Shan Yu, Xinyi Zhang, and Zhengwu Zhang - for their dedicated time, effort and judgment in the selection process.